The Cottage, Barry

Barry is a vastly up and coming area, with the popularity of the seaside town rising over the last decade. Barry has now become one of the best places to buy a house in Wales and sees millions of visitors flooding the famous beach every year.

Since developing the Mount Rooms Hotel in 2016, set in the heart of Barry - The Cottage has always been an extra that PropertyIndex has worked towards developing. Located at the rear of the hotel, surrounded by a beautiful garden area it will be a location for guests to stay in, giving them exclusivity and elegance.

As Weddings with the hotel become increasingly popular, The cottage will be used as a bridal suite – giving couples the option of pure luxury on their wedding night, adding to their experience.

The Cottage will be finished with a ‘French cottage style’, light and fresh colours with a free-standing bath.

What’s more are the views on offer. Guests will be able to cast their eyes upon panoramic views across Barry Island and the Bristol Channel.

The estimated date of completion is Mid-August 2019.

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